• Service Times & Location
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  • Service Times

    • Sundays10:00AMSunday In-Person Worship
    • Sundays10:00amYoutube Online Worship
    • Tuesdays7:00amWeekly Empowering Prayer Call


    Mount Ararat
    425 Howard Avenue
    Brooklyn, New York 11233


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Thank you for visiting our church website. I want you to know that we are excited that you are either considering to visit our ministry, or you have already had a chance to experience ministry at MABCBK. We are a church that is committed to “Empowering People to Live Beyond Life Limitations.” As you will learn, our ministry is filled with many great opportunities for you to get to know other people who are growing in their walk with Christ as we all grow together.

If you are looking for a place to make your spiritual home, we encourage you to pray about MABCBK. We are not a perfect church, but we do serve a perfect Christ. We are a group of people who believe in loving God, loving people, and impacting our community. The vision that God has given me for the ministry is one that I believe will impact thousands of lives, including yours should you desire to visit or become a part of this Christian body of believers.

If you have not had a chance to visit, I personally invite you to visit one of our worship services. Don’t worry about anything and do not allow preconceived notions of church to keep you from visiting. We are a church that welcomes everyone, and we are waiting for you. Please continue to look through our website and again, thank you for considering making MABCBK your place to call home.

Should you have any questions you would like to know, do not hesitate to email me directly at pastor@mountararatchurch.com

Excited To Serve,
Pastor Steven Eugene Carter

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